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General Rules

Rules and guidelines for Students

1 Student – teachers are expected to be clean, tidy and respectable in dress and appearance

2. Students are strictly forbidden to engage in any political parties or other moments which are undesirable.

3 Working hours of the college is from 9.30 am to 4 pm with a lunch break of one hour from 1 pm to 1.45 pm.

4 The day begins with morning assembly at 9.30 am which includes prayer song, news reading, importance of the day and GK for the day.

5 No students shall leave the class without the permission of the teacher.

6 The college properties should be handled with utmost care and keep the class room clean.

7 The students are not allowed to remove the furniture and other things kept in the class.

8 Students are expected to wear the college uniform on all days expect on Wednesday.

9 Alcohol, smoking and chewing gums are strictly prohibited in the college campus.

10 Leave application should be submitted one day prior to take leave. The leave application should be recommended and routed through the optional teacher concerned

11 Late comers are asked to write the name and reason for late and must be entered in the register kept in college office.

12 The annual certificate of attendance and progress report are required for the admission of university examination. The university examination admission is given the students who has

* The required attendance out of the total number of working days.

*Completed the course instructions to the satisfaction of the college authorities.

* Attend all the test and examinations conducted by the college.

* Regular attendance is one of the basic criteria for internal marks.

Staff (Teachers and Non-Teaching Staff)

Regularity and Punctuality.

  • Lead by example in attending classes, meetings and academic activities regularly and punctually.
  • Seek prior approval for any anticipated absence and communicate effectively

Cordial Relationships

  • Foster an environment of respect, courtesy and cooperation among colleagues and students.
  • Resolve conflicts through dialogue and appropriate channels.

Classroom rules

  • Enforce and maintain a conductive learning environment by addressing disruptive behavior.
  • Communicate classroom rules clearly to students

Plastic- Free Campus

  • Minimize the use of single use plastics and encourage responsible waste disposal.
  • Support and promote initiatives for a plastic free Campus.

Energy conservation

  • Lead energy conservation efforts by ensuring lights fans and electronic devices are turned off when not in use.
  • Promote awareness and participation in energy saving initiatives.

Green Protocol

  • Support and actively participate in green initiatives on campus.
  • Encourage colleagues and students to contribute to the maintenance of green spaces.

Water Saving

  • Use water responsibly and promptly report any leaks or wastage.
  • Encourage staff and students to participate in water conservation programs.

Waste Management

  • Set an example in waste segregation and proper waste disposal.
  • Educate and encourage staff and students to follow waste management practices.


  • Maintain personal and communal hygiene.
  • Encourage a clean and organized workspace and common areas.


  • Demonstrate professionalism in all interactions with students, colleagues and stakeholders.
  • Uphold the ethical standards of the college.

NCERT Code of Conduct For Teachers